Forum links open the first page

Since the update of this forum, all the topic links open the first page of the article, not the last one as it should be. Discuss…

In case you aren’t aware, there are two icons you can click which will take you to either the first unread post, or the last post in the thread respectively.

And… it would be great if you’d enlarge these icons, make it a lot easier to notice and use! :slight_smile:
The default size and placement are quite annoying.

that was very well hidden:)
Before there where page numbers [1]…[150] and it was obvious where to click

Top-Level-Forum only has link to last post, and that’s what description on the column says.
Search page has this buttons if you search for topics. And if you search for posts there will be link to post.

I won’t argue, new forums lack of many features.
Yet, it’s possible to find at least some of them now.
That’s how the search looks like: [SPOILER]


Without this topic, I would never guess that that down arrow near thread title opens it at new post. At first glance it seemed like “downvote the thread to never see it again”.