Fortnite rift mod error

So I’ve been trying to get this error fixed with the rift mod discord server support the past few months, however they were unable to resolve this issue so now ive come to ask the forums if they know anything. I dont know how this related to UE4, however the support told me to ask here if anyone may know the problem, so i will. If you dont know what the rift mod is, its basically a way to play old builds of fortnite locally(i think) on your pc. Anyways, im getting this error after trying to run a build through rift, it says, “It Looks like Fortnite has crashed, this could be due to a mod you have enabled. Try disabling your mods or try installing VC Redist. If the issue persists, seek support in our Discord server.” I contacted the support on the discord server and they wanted me to check my %localappdata% folder for rift if i had any mods, however i didnt, so then they told me to download the newest VC Redist for my pc type which is x64. i did that but the error still happens even after restartying my pc and everything. so i then tried the other versions tro see if that somehow fixes it, however it did not. After that they told me to ask here on the forums to see if anyone here can figure it out. This isnt just a me problem as there was atleast one other person asking the support for help with he same problem, however they were unable to get it to work also. This is also the second pc i have had this same problem on and have yet to get it to work on either. So im asking if anyone else has tried rift and had the same problem and got it to work, or if they might have an idea as to what the problem could be. Any help is appreciated.


I have the same error

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