Fortnite Prop texture breakdown

I’ve extracted a simple Table asset from Fortnite for some studying.

After separating the channel packed map to see what’s in them, this is what I got. To be clear, im only guessing this is the order it was packed (RMA) based on how it looks on the model.

What Im confused about is the Diffuse map. Why does it look similar to the Roughness map or even AO?

Someone mentioned this before, that they could be multiplying a base color by this “Diffuse map” for color variations.

Im new to unreal so this could be very wrong but could it be possible that the diffuse map is used in conjunction with an absolute world position that has a “color variation texture” , so the tables get different colors based on where they spawn in the world?

Yeah there’s plenty of ways to add variation and using material parameters/instances to set colors lets you change the theme or look without having to edit the textures.

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