fortnite like building editing system

I’m making a survival game, and I have made a building system in blueprints. I’m looking to kick things up a notch to make the gameplay more interesting. I’ve always liked Fortnites building editing mechanics, and I’ve been thinking of bringing them into my game. However, I’m feeling a bit stuck on where to start. So I thought of asking you guys for a bit of guidance. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

I’d probably use a stack of 9 cubes in the editable building bp and line trace for them when editing. Then decide whether it’s a gap or solid with a boolean array variable, and flip the value when clicked.

If the array is all true it would be a solid wall. If it’s 111101111 it would have a window, 000000111 would be a fence, and so on.

Could also use a widget component instead of stacking cubes, and size it to match the wall size.

That’s a pretty good idea, i’ll see if i can get it to work like that.