Hey, downloaded Fortnite 2 months ago. Had freeze problems with it sinse, it’s way more stable if i play it 60fps, but it does crash with 60 fps too. 120fps is just unplayable, always freezes. But my machine runs the game perfectly.
I have tried everything, clean re-install of gpu driver, installed OS win10 new, installed motherboard drivers, changed settings in nvidia control panel 3D section, I probably did alot more but I cant remember. Recently, I tried to download an old NVIDIA GAME driver, because I read up somewere the new drivers can cause the freeze. So I went away and downloaded the 381.78 driver, installed them right after a OS clean install… still crashed.
UPDATE! recently updated to windows 7, same problem here.
So, could anyone help me here? i’m desperate.
from win10 2 days ago,
[2018.01.01-05.27.54:873][335]LogNet: Warning: UActorChannel::MoveMappedObjectToUnmapped: MoveMappedObjectToUnmapped didn’t find object: /Game/Athena/Maps/Athena_Terrain.Athena_Terrain:PersistentLevel.PBWA_M1_DoorC_C_0.FortAbilitySystemComponent_109
[2018.01.01-05.27.54:873][335]LogNet: Warning: UActorChannel::MoveMappedObjectToUnmapped: MoveMappedObjectToUnmapped didn’t find object: /Game/Athena/Maps/Athena_Terrain.Athena_Terrain:PersistentLevel.PBWA_W1_StairW_C_47.FortAbilitySystemComponent_113
[2018.01.01-05.28.01:479][ 78]LogGarbage: Display: Collecting garbage (GCheckForIllegalMarkPendingKill = 0)
[2018.01.01-05.28.01:520][ 78]LogGarbage: Display: 41.664772 ms for GC
[2018.01.01-05.28.01:523][ 78]LogGarbage: Display: 2.569794 ms for unhashing unreachable objects. Clusters removed: 0. Items 1503 Cluster Items 0
[2018.01.01-05.28.01:557][ 82]LogGarbage: Display: GC purged 1503 objects (444488 → 442985)
[2018.01.01-05.28.24:649][738]LogAbilitySystem: Display: ClientActivateAbilityFailed_Implementation. PredictionKey :507 Ability: Default__FortGameplayAbility_Sprint
[2018.01.01-05.28.32:171][570]LogD3D11RHI: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (0.5 s)
[2018.01.01-05.28.32:172][570]LogFortServerHitches: HITCHHUNTER: Hitch in GPU of 508.7 ms has been detected this frame
[2018.01.01-05.28.32:673][571]LogD3D11RHI: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (0.5 s)
[2018.01.01-05.28.33:173][571]LogD3D11RHI: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (0.5 s)
[2018.01.01-05.28.33:673][571]LogD3D11RHI: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (0.5 s)