Fortnite Creative Mode - Possible to stream live audio (shoutcast) into an island?


To create a musical scene, could we stream a live shoutcast station into an island?
Have an idea where user would land at a main hub where they could choose which
musical scene they want to jump/teleport to.

For example,
We have an ambient music channel, playing ambient music 24/7.
Then we have a chillout channel playing chillout music 24/7.

They’re all shoutcast streams.

We’d like to create different moods/scenes based on each music style/genre.
And allow the end-user to experience those environments and maybe stay and chill…

I’m not sure how islands work, can they be divided? and have different audio settings.
I mean, if you could divide an island into 4 parcels, each parcel have it’s own audio settings.
So, then we could put a different live audio stream into each parcel.

Anyway… that’s just me, though it’d be cool to work on if possible.

By using something like shoutcast, we could have different DJ’s doing live shows.
And stream them right onto an island.

Anything like this in the works? can it be done? where do we start?
