Fortnite creative, how to make invincible player instantly die on event?

I have an event which is meant to instantly kill a player of a certain class and does but only when the class is not set to “invincible”. I want this class to be invincible to players with this stat but die when the event happens. The event triggers the pickup of a health modifier that sets health to 0 but this does absolutely nothing. How could I make the player invincible but also make them die on health modifier?

How about you create a separate class that is not set to “invincible” and make it so that when this event you speak of happens the invincible player switches to this new class and then bind the health power up device to the new class selector device (On class switched).

Let me know If you don’t get what I mean.

Teleport the player to a Damage Volume set to Elimination damage type :+1: