fort_character.DamagedEvent() firing twice on lethal hit


There is an additional triggering of the DamagedEvent() event listener after a lethal hit

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Set up an event listener for the DamagedEvent() function of a player (or all players)
  2. The event listener should log DamageResult.Amount, fort_character[DamageResult.Target].GetHealth() and fort_character[DamageResult.Target].IsActive()
  3. Set up something to deal a lethal amount of damage to the player (doesn’t need to be in one hit)

Expected Result

  • Last Log: Leathal hit
  • Damage: [Whatever you’ve set up]
  • Health: 0 or negative
  • Is Active: No

Observed Result

After the log of the leathal hit, there is sometimes another log of a hit:

  • Damage: 2
  • Health: 98 (my max health is 100)
  • Is Acitve: No

After respawning, the health is back to normal

Additional Notes

You can resolve the issue by testing if the following expression succeds in your event listener:

fort_character[DamageResult.Target].IsActive() or fort_character[DamageResult.Target].GetHealth() <= 0.0