Formatting one set of text with multiple styles

Hi, I have been making modifiable text with a rich text box that allows me to add bold and italicization formatting to specific parts of a string, ie.

Default</> text</>

Assuming Boldx creates bold and italicsx creates italics, the word default is bolded and text is italicized.

My question is, is there a way to format the same string of text with multiple styles? ie.

Default text</></>

Would create the string “Default text” as bolded and italicized instead of printing a boldened
“Default text</>”

Thank you for your time!

You mean this one ?, you can use Bold Italic :

I don’t think you can merge style, let say one style is Red text and the other one is Orange, it will just overwrite even if that possible.
A tag style inside another another tag will be read as a plain text unless you do some string manipulation.

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I see thank you.

I made a custom text font that made the text move but I wanted to know if I’d have to make bold, italic, and normal version of it or if I could change those within my text text document to incorporate multiple formats kinda like in html.
Not to mention that if I wanted to make the text a different color I would have to make another set in the style sheet plus whichever formatting I needed.

Either way thank you for your help, it is much appreciated! Hopefully a feature like this can be added at some point to make the formatting a bit more dynamically capable.

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