When I have 2 simple destructable boxes placed together it works with them supporting each other with Form Extended Structures set in their Destructible Settings. But as soon as it gets more complex then that it becomes a indestructible thing where even cranking up damage and and radius of the damage can have no impact at all on it. Like 4 instance 2x2 boxes are not destruct able.
I’m wondering if it is a bug, it is just a incomplete feature or I am missing something?
This is a known bug (UE-6062) with Form Extended Structures in Destructibles. Currently it’s backlogged though, so there is no time frame for when this will be addressed.
I’ve add to the community interest in the ticket along with a link to this post.
I need that pretty badly, I tried coming up with own solution to have destructible objects stick together and break able off but nothing worked good enough. Well, I hope it will be not too long till it gets addressed.
I’m not sure when this will be addressed exactly. Personally, I always hope for soon as well.
At the moment almost all DM bugs are being backlogged unless they are crashes or something that was working but broke with a later build.
On the Trello board for the UE4 Roadmap there are plans to have a time that is focused on improving destruction and knocking out a bunch of these. Trello
That has a lot of votes! Doesn’t that also mean it will also be addressed sooner then other things on the roadmap with less votes? There are just a couple with more votes, something to hope for.
I’m making a full game out of my game jam game Where Is My Hammer btw: Game Jolt - Games for the love of it
With ca 300000 plays from all sources the votes of the players for more destruction are also there I would say. It has some glaring issues like pieces floating in the air and some glitches but I also made it in only 48 hours and had to work with what the destruction system has to offer.
Or would you say since this game is all around destruction it would be wise to hire someone to integrate the PhysX SDK into UE4 with all the features? It should be possible I assume.
PS: When I get this game finished I shall provide everyone of the support team and the development team with a copy! No strings attached, not a bribe, just need to make it first somehow.