Forest Environment

Hello everyone ! it’s been a while since I didn’t post anything here. So since I have some free time now, I’m working on a small environment. My goal is to get close to a realistic style and improve my skill as much as I can on Speedtree and UE4. So for now it will be a simple forest then when this one will be done, I’ll move to another one and try to post as regularly as possible. There is just a few to show for now and I haven’t yet set up the ue4 materials so it’s a simple set up for now.

C&c are welcome.
Thank you !

Ref :

Scene :

Hello ! here an update of what I have so far. Made some trees and worked on the materials. I will make some fern for my next step.

Speedtree shot :

UE4 :

Artstation : ArtStation - Rudy Lamotte

Very nice.

Amazing! People too often forget about saplings. Do you have any SpeedTree tutorials that you’d recommend?

Thank you guys !

Wilkes : Unfortunately not really. One year ago when I was learning speedtree and I did open the trees from the library to looks how they made it and learn from it. I did also look at some scenes on UE4 marketplace to understand how they set up the materials. It is how I learn so far since there is no tutorial on speedtree except from their official page. You have to look on how other people does and try to replicate with your own style and look at references. I did also learn about the vegetation with a tutorial from Alex Alvarez who is a great artist. Look at Gnomon Workshop an type his name, you will find his tutorial but it’s not for ingame and he isn’t using speedtree. You can also try on they have two tutorials about vegetation. I did have a look at the first old one it’s pretty cool and they teach you how to make a tree with 3dsmax. Otherwise about speedtree the only tuts you can find are on their youtube channel but that’s the basic of it which is still pretty useful. Hope I helped you a bit =)

Thank you guys !

Wilkes : Unfortunately not really. One year ago when I was learning speedtree I did open the trees from the library to looks how they made it and learn from it. I did also look at some scenes on UE4 marketplace to understand how they set up the materials. It is how I learn so far since there is no tutorial on speedtree except from their official page. You have to look on how other people does and try to replicate with your own style and look at references. I did also learn about the vegetation with a tutorial from Alex Alvarez who is a great artist. Look at Gnomon Workshop an type his name, you will find his tutorial but it’s not for ingame and he isn’t using speedtree. You can also try on they have two tutorials about vegetation. I did have a look at the first old one it’s pretty cool and they teach you how to make a tree with 3dsmax. Otherwise about speedtree the only tuts you can find are on their youtube channel but that’s the basic of it which is still pretty useful. Hope I helped you a bit =)

oops sorry, my message was sent two times :smiley:

Hello, I’m done for this personal environment. I will move to another one otherwise it will take forever. Trying to be quicker when I am doing this. I know that I still need to improve on it and maybe I will try Megascan in the future even if I prefer a great camera to do the photogrammetry. Hope you like it !

There is more here if you wish : ArtStation - Rudy Lamotte

Just did a quick close up of the grass before going to sleep ! That’s it for now.

Nice work! =)

like the grass pic very much !!
are you going to turn it into a marketplace package ?

kind regards

Great work! Did you use VXGI, DFGI or LPV for Global Illumination?

Thank you guys !

Stucki : no I am not going to put this on the marketplace. =)

Kelheor : Yes, I use DFGI.