Forest Cabin Diorama

Hi, this is a showcase of my process of creating a diorama project based on various references that can be seen in the following image

As you can see various assets will be made for the diorama and placed together using unreal engine.
The image in the middle is the blocking of the diorama scene made on Unreal and Maya, and the various images around represent the refereces of the assets that will be used in the scene, each with a number showing its location.

I have also started modeling the first asset which is a totem pole, these are the references being used:

And this image shows the process in Maya of the asset:

This is all for the moment, I’ll be updating every week!

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Week 2
In this second week I advanced a lot in the hero asset, moving it first to zbrush to increase its detail and create the high poly, that later with the decimation master applied I inported it back to maya

Then with it, I made sure the low poly and high poly were close to each other and then i proceeded to make the UVs to movit it to substance painter to texturize it

On substance painter I started texturizing it, starting with applying some basic materials on the whole totem, and adding more detail specially to the frog, making its face and some wear in the paint of it

This has been the work done for this week of the hero asset, but I also started modeling on maya the fence that is part of the modular system used for this diorama

Here we can see it inside Unreal already
See you next week for more!

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Hi there @_Enquis,

Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums! Hope you’re well and having a great week so far :slight_smile:

Really love the totem inspo and all the reference photos you’ve collected here :smiley: I’m absolutely stoked to get to watch this as it develops! I wish you all the bug-free development hours while working on this. Goodluck until next time!