Hi There,
I’m having difficulty understanding something when using ForEachLoops.
I’m trying to build my SaveGame system using blueprints and I want to add all my spawned actors into a class array. What I am using is a “Get All Actors of Class” node connected to a “ForEachLoop” to loop through all the actors of said class in the level and Add them to the Array.
My problem is that for testing I have added 3 of said actors and when debugging by plugging a PrintString with LENGTH directly into the “Get All Actors of Class” I get 3 results which is correct, but when plugging the PrintString into the “ForEachLoop” it always only picks up 1?
I would like to add all the spawned actors of class into an array so that when I save my game they have their individual values that can be loaded back again, but as it is currently it only saves the values of 1 actor.
Am I missing something?