maybe someone can enlighten me on this behaviour:
I have a c++ UFunction (in an UBlueprintFunctionLibrary)
static void GetArray(TArray<int32>& result);
with the code
void UTest::GetArray(TArray<int32>& result)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Test Output Log"));
for (int32 i = 0; i < 10; i++)
within blueprints I call this node and use the output array in a ForEachLoop to iterate the array.
The output generated is this:
LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.000377
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
LogTemp: Warning: Test Output Log
Why is the c++ UFunction called n+1 times while iterating with the ForEachLoop macro?
It seems that for the first call of the ForEachLoop node the UFunction will be called and then for each iteration again.
This does not make any sense, as I would normally asume the UFunction will be called once and the returned array will be used while inside the ForEachLoop.