I am currently trying to force rotate my player’s camera on spawn using “Add Controller Yaw Input”. It will do it just fine when the player first spawns, but is refusing to do it again whenever the player respawns. I have created a function inside the player to allow me to do this with no referencing errors. It does make it to the function and does the command, but just does not rotate the camera. It is not even giving me an error. What am I doing wrong?
You’ll need to upload some pictures of your code for us to help
Is the respawned pawn possessed by the controller whose control rotation you’re adjusting?
The way I have the character respawn is by destroying the original character and spawning a new one.
Spawning a character and possessing it are 2 separate things. Ensure you possess the new pawn. The Game Mode class handles this natively, btw.
I indeed was trying to add an input while it was not yet possessed. Although now I am having an issue of the camera not facing the correct direction at certain angles. Is there a math formula that I can use to do this?
Nevermind I found I can use set controller rotation and it works so much better than what I was doing.
While I am here, I have been having issues with the music in my game. It is working just fine when I compile it and play it myself, but when I share it with others, the music does not play. What could be the issue with this?
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