Force host closure, trying to push build to Android

Hey everyone, having an issue when trying to push a build to my android phone (S10e). I wasn’t able to do a quick launch so created a packaged build, while trying to push the package build via the install BAT file, I’m getting this error and can’t figure out why, any help would be appreciated.

1> Writing ^mainobb
ERROR: 1> Unexpected Exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10054): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
at AutomationTool.AndroidFileClient.SocketSend(Boolean bPayload, Byte packet, Int32 writeSize)
at AutomationTool.AndroidFileClient.FileWrite(String SourcePath, String DestPath, Int32 bLog)
WARNING: SocketException: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10053): An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte buffer)
at AutomationTool.AndroidFileClient.SocketSend(Boolean bPayload, Byte packet)
at AutomationTool.AndroidFileClient.CloseConnection()

Note: My phone doesn’t appear to be disconnecting from my PC at all, so it seems like unreal just quits communicating with it or something.

Not sure if it was actually the solution or not, but I ended up going into my USB settings, while the device was plugged in, then uninstalling the drivers, it auto installed them again since I had it plugged in…it was working after that, but I also haven’t tried in a few days and I’ve updated a few drivers/restarted both phone and pc a few times since then, so could be anything at this point.