Hi there !
I’d like to introduce to you my new game.
Forbidden Forgiveness is a new psychological horror game, the story depends on multiple dimensions where you’ll be able to travel between them at anytime and what you’ll do in these dimensions will effect the story and the gameplay, the game is heavily depends on multiple Endings.
And you’re not defenseless you can defend yourself from the Unknown but sometimes you can’t, so you’ll have to run, the game contains a unique puzzles with a new way to solve and they are not easy nor impossible but expect some challenge, there are Boss Fights but they are not just having more guns, ammo and health packs to kill them, you’ll need to solve a puzzle or do something to be able to damage\kill them.
the release date will be Q4 2018 and it’ll comes to PC First then Consoles.
[FONT=Helvetica Neue]here’s the trailer :
](Forbidden Forgiveness - Pre - Alpha Teaser - YouTube)
[FONT=Helvetica Neue]About us
[FONT=Helvetica Neue]we’re an indie Developers consist of 2 people from Egypt we started developing this game for a year and half for now.
and we’d like to hear your feedback about our game.
[FONT=Helvetica Neue]Website :[FONT=Helvetica Neue] www.geekymouse.net
[FONT=Helvetica Neue]press kit[FONT=Helvetica Neue]: [FONT=Helvetica Neue]www.geekymouse.net/presskit
[FONT=Helvetica Neue]Facebook :[FONT=Helvetica Neue] facebook.com/GeekyMouse
[FONT=Helvetica Neue]Twitter :[FONT=Helvetica Neue] twitter.com/GeekyMouseDev