For what reason the button is rotating partially?

When Rotating the Button to -90, on the viewport it rotates correctly but partially.
as you can see in the image the size transforms are left and the vertical box overlapped which is wrong.

This will never work. Widget containers do not respond to / understand transforms - from the point of view of a vertical box, the button is as it was before rotation. Transforms override the behaviour, think of them as being purely visual, arbitrary.

To demo:

Image from Gyazo

The VB couldn’t care less about the transform. But you know this already.

You could fit it manually, but that’s a lot of work:

  • wrap the button in a Size Box, override W/H to match the text
  • ensure the text justification is set to centre (optional, depending on how you need it to flow)
  • use the translate transform to nudge the button where you need it to be


This way the VB will conform.

Thank you a lot clearing this and detailed explaining.