For some reason the launcher is giving me a error No version information recieved


Hi kmilleraz53,

You could be seeing this error for a couple of reasons. First try the ‘Use TLS’ solution from the link below and if that doesn’t work try the steps in the ‘The Launcher is Unable to Download Content’ section.

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Afterwards, if the issue is still present, follow the 10 steps at the bottom of the link and post your ‘Verbose Logs’. They will help us troubleshoot the issue.



Hi kmilleraz53,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, try the troubleshooting steps linked above. Afterwards if the issue is still present, please follow the 10 steps at the bottom of the page to find your ‘Verbose Logs’ and post them here. They will help us track down the issue.
