i just finished up my game clicked play now my player goes through the map ??? and the controls stopped working.
I agree with @goncasmage, its likely an error with your colliders on either the terrain and/or the character controller, im aware im repeating what he said but that is the truth of it, as for controls not working there could be an error in the blueprint if you’ve edited it at all, if not then im afraid i reall wont be much help, best of luck lad.
Check player collision settings and be sure, you placed navigation mesh volume correctly. You said, clicked play game, so I think your player need navigation - right?
What you’re saying applies to AI, i don’t think that’s the case here…
I’d say you lost the controls because of the kill Z, in order to keep that from happening, you can go to the world settings (if you can’t find it go to Window → World Settings) and set the Kill Z attribute to like -1000.
Regarding the player falling through the level, i’d say either the terrain/floor collision or your player collision isn’t setup properly. Can you show your collision settings?
You said, you have game “clicked play” - it means, you character go where you click?
I think he means he clicked play as in “Play In Editor” or “Play in New Window”