we can’t say much, as your print string print nothing, are you sure it’s triggered, you’re trying to print from projectile Base, try to identify the class that is really spawned while firing and try print from there, provide a little bit more infos on your problem
Can You help ?
So my hierarchy goes like this BP_Projectile_BASE → BP_Player_Projectile_BASE (with child blueprints for FullCharge, PartialCharge and Regular projectiles) and BP_Enemy_Projectile_BASE, whereas enemies use only one type of proiectile.
From what i see, you’re always triggering projectile_Base when you’re supposed to trigger the children classes of it. Maybe you should use your Map another way. use shot charge as keys and your projectiles children classes as values, then depending on charge value, find the corresponding projectile children class to spawn. If your charge is a float value, you also can assign an interval of float to an enum and you use that enum as th map key to say small charge → ChildProjectileSmall, MediumCharge → ChildProjectileMedium. you also can try to use a switch on Enum
The main issue your facing here is that you’re not spawning the right class
Here an example of what you can do
Hope that help, good luck
thank you I managed to solve the problem two weeks ago, but much appreciated.