I get “Validation Failed” and then this in the log.
[AssetLog] /EmojisParkour/cimnormal_Mat : [SM6] (Node TextureSample) Texture Sample> Missing input texture. (ValkyrieValidator_MaterialCompilation)
I get “Validation Failed” and then this in the log.
[AssetLog] /EmojisParkour/cimnormal_Mat : [SM6] (Node TextureSample) Texture Sample> Missing input texture. (ValkyrieValidator_MaterialCompilation)
I think you need to duplicate your map to solve this problem. Recently, I also experienced the same problem, so I duplicated my map and the problem was solved. This might be related with your map file being corrupted or something else.
But that also means you won’t be able to update your original map with the same map code if you already published it because you only duplicate the map on the new project. (This is only a theory, but I think it’s make sense).
Anyway here the link for tutorial how to duplicate the map…
How to duplicate or copy a UEFN Project Easily! #uefn #fortnite (youtube.com)
Hello Yaz, Welcome to the Forums.
What does your cimnormal_Mat look like? Are there any errors or missing textures when you open it?
Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!
For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form