(for)evermore - UE 5.4 Short

Hey everyone :smile:

Here’s a new animation I’ve been working on to try out some of the fresh features in 5.4…

I’m no character animator by any means, but the modular control rig was super helpful here to get me started!

Check it out and let me know what you think:

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Hi there @shanespencedes,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far :slight_smile:

What a rad project. So unique and eerie. At the end I just wanted more of the story. Brilliantly done! Do you plan on turning this into a longer form film? Or was this more of a skill improvement project?

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Hey! Thanks very much :slight_smile: No plans to make this into anything larger, this was just an excuse the try out some of the new tools in 5.4, like the Modular control rig and nanite displacement. As well as dusting off my Gaea license :smiley:

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Hello @shanespencedes !

This short video gave me chills. Both world and character design choices for this was a great choice. The script also acts as this very lovely glue that holds the project together to give it this ominous Sci-Fi mystery. For the eyes on our little mechanical friend, I’m absolutely in love with their reflective shine.

How did you achieve the rainbow lens effect for their eyes?

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Hey! Thanks very much @The_M0ss_Man :blush: I can’t take credit for the script as the line is taken from an episode of Serverance (a great show if you haven’t seen it already)

The material for the eyes is actually a flickering billboard material I made. So the random colours are very small images of different billboards. I’d applied it initially as a temporary fix but ended up liking it! Call it a happy accident :grin: