I tried a lot of tutorials. Looks like it’s impossible (but I know it’s possible on UE4). I am almost giving up (but I will try again and again). It is not necessary, but the game would be much better if the foot were on the ground. Doesn’t need to be perfect, just good enough.
The only tutorial that worked for me was one I found here on UE forums, but it use the original UE4 skeleton and I’m using Mixamo’s skeleton, but I made modifications because me and my brother added root motion (and it’s working).
I was able to make the “line trace by channel” from the foot to the ground and made everything on the Character Blue Print, but on the Animation BP it doesn’t work. The line hit the ground, and after that there is a green line. It’s all right.
But the foot is never fixed on the ground and it move with the idle animation, like it’s floating in the air (next to the ground). I don’t know too much about the “IK” and “Fabrik”. It’s something new for me.
It is very difficult to find good tutorials, and those I found didn’t work me.
Two questions:
- Anyone know some good foot placement BP tutorial?
- Is foot placement easier on new versions like 4.19? I’m on the 4.16.
- Do I need to change something on Blender like we had to change to make the root motion work?