Foot jitter on mesh when importing animations in UE from Maya

Hello everyone! Im new here and trying to learn the gameplay animation pipeline via some tutorials for UE/Maya. Ive gotten to the part of the tutorial where I have the skeleton and mesh set up in UE for the character I want to animate, and am now testing the rig to make sure everything works as it should in UE.

I do some simple animation in Maya, export the animation info as an FBX file via the root joint only, and import that FBX file onto my character in UE. However Im running into this issue where is twisting and deforming in such a way that isn’t possible in maya, and was not animated in a way for the foot to deform like that. No such twisting or deforming happens in Maya for that particular foot, but when in UE it starts to freak out.

Ive narrowed down the issue like this, it seems that animating just the root control by itself will cause the foot to freak out in UE for some reason. Has anyone else experienced this before? And if so how do I solve this issue? I can provide a video of the problem if necessary. Thank you!