I have programmed in C++ before but am new to UE4. I figured on it being a lot of custom commands so decided to watch the official video series on C++ programming in UE4. It was a great source of information(as are all the videos, thanks to all the staff who makes them) and everything seemed to be working until the end of part 16. I was watching all the videos and everything worked at the end of part 14. At the end of part 16 I went to test the program so I went to my project in source explorer and ran “Debug → start new instance” and once it compiled it loaded up the editor. This time though I got a load error on the editor at startup. It said it could not import the timeline that was created earlier in the series into bpBatteryPickup. I initially tried removing it from bpBatteryPickup and putting it back in and it was still giving me the error on startup. So I completely removed the timeline from the MyCharacter Class and the bpBatteryPickup class, recreated timeline and put it back into the blueprints as needed and directed by the artist earlier in the video(went and rewatched to make sure everything was correct) and this seemed to fix the error. Now though I can’t get any batteries to spawn. In my troubleshooting I noticed a odd thing though. Batteries WILL spawn if and only I have a break point in the tick override function of spawnvolume.cpp. If I put a break there (anywhere after the if (!bSpawnEnabled) return; statement seems to work) and watch bShouldSpawn and bSpawnEnabled as well as SpawnTime and SpawnDelay everything seems to function properly(except the game is stopped due to the break points so often the batteries don’t drop fast enough but 3-4 will spawn and slowly fall through the air). If I don’t have a break in there nothing will spawn.
I don’t know if the timeline corruption(or whatever that problem was) is connected to the lack of spawning but it seemed to occur at the same time. I am limited on my debugging ability cause by using breakpoints to debug the system starts to work. Its feels like when your car only run correctly when driven by your mechanic ;-D.
Any suggestions as to what could be causing this issue? Is there a built-in debugger in UE4 other then watching the “data flow through the wires in blueprints”? While that can be useful and looks cool its not nearly as powerful as the debugger built into VS.