Following a tutorial online and it doesn't work someone help T_T

Following a tutorial online and it doesn’t work someone help T_T

Connect a “get controller node” that might help. Which tutorial is it ?

hi, the movement input section is in the 3rd person template, it’ll work fine under normal circumstances, just compile.

but it looks like you added or should I say dropped part of the animation bp code to try to change something possibly the walking speed, maybe? that’s not how that works
can’t tell what you are doing or trying to do, but no one can tell from what little you have posted, sorry.

edit / note: you might be in the wrong BluePrint for this tutorial, are you sure you shouldn’t be in the CharacterAnimBP?
(looks like you are trying to create your own as well from what I can tell)

The “GetControllRotation” needs a Controller. It is stated under its name “Target is Controller”. Also it tells you “Self is not a controller”, because “self” is the MyCharacter BP you are currently working.
Try to use “GetPlayerController” with an index of 0 and get the ControllerRotation from it.

Nearly the same thing applies to the “TryGetPawnOwner”. This needs the AnimInstance, which is the AnimationBP, as a target. Since you try to get the PawnOwner (which is the Character you are working in), i would
suggest that you are in the wrong BP. This should be done in the Animation BP. Try to rework the Tutorial and read exactly in what BP you should work! (:

that movement input is straight out of 3rd person template just probably needs a clean compile, probably isn’t working because the BP has stuff just pasted in from the AnimBP

edit note: deleted pic, N/A (not helping OP)

Pawn and Controller both have “GetControllRotation” as a function. In your picture, the Pawn version is used. That’s why it is working.

Feel free to help him if you can!

I’m following the Unreal Engine third person blueprint game tutorials… T_T idk what to do… I followed it step by step

k, please link what tutorial and describe what part you are doing, please

think of it this way, from the perspective of someone trying to help. it’s like me asking you if I should wear a coat today. you don’t know if it’s raining, snowing, or sunny outside my house, do ya? :rolleyes:
for anyone to help, they need to know more about what you are doing. and where you are at if you can & anything that you might be trying to do differently (or describe what you are trying to achieve)
(most tutorials are hours long and no one is going to spend hours going all the way through them just to answer)

try that and maybe someone can help :slight_smile: