We have successfully packaged and released multiple builds\updates of the current level ( i will call this “Level 1”). All project settings, such as maps and build details, set accordingly.
Following the basic steps to slot the new, duplicate, now titled “Level 2” (via Project Settings), confirmed in defaultini as well, ( Level 2 was duplicated in-engine via the right click option), we attempt to package Level 2.
This is the same project and same package settings, albeit from the change to “maps to package” as is standard.
However, during the start of the packaging, the output log still shows UE calling for the original “Level 1”, though all obvious refs to it have been updated to level 2.
In short, the original level, will still be called during the packing process, instead of the new “Level 2”. So Level 2, never gets loaded.
I can provide any additional details needed asap. Thank you!
We have cleared the list, and added the level fresh, but no luck
I searched for possible event begins that ay contain a ref, but could not find any.
I know the logo and crown as I have been through the forums many times! @ClockworkOcean in the house. Thank you for checking out our issue.
I have scrubbed through the ref viewer, and Level 2 is not referenced by “Level 1”. At least not that I can see through the ref viewer.
Level 2 was duplicated from the much larger “level 1”. This was duplicated, and cutdown by about 80% for the demo launch.
I did fix up redirectors last night, and even tried to exclude the “Level 2” map via project settings. (the map that is called, and should not be). The package was successful, but no level loaded after our intro movies.
I am thinking this original file may be corrupt, but no issues were shown during checks.
Project Details:
We have 2 videos that play, the main menu and an intro video. I imagine the intro video could be referencing the newer “level 2”, but this doesn’t explain why the pack process continues to call for it.
Corrective actions taken since the first post:
Yesterday, I sent a zip of the project to my partner, he has not packaged ANY projects via his UE 5.2, so thought maybe when he connects, something would reset. The pack process took about 4 hours, so it started fresh, but at the end, “Level 2” was still there. (Again, all settings via project settings were placed.
I have the project doing a “full rebuild” every time.
We cannot use a “new project” to test, as we have extensive BP work etc., tied to the current project.
You can also make a new empty project ( start the engine from the Launcher, new blank project ), and migrate only the map you want to it, and package from there.
If the map you don’t want gets migrated in (2), then that’s more info. If not, I think it should work…
I can respond to these suggestions, as it has been a long few days here
Yes, this map has been set as well. Here are the current maps for the pack. The “Level 2” map, or the duplicated, smaller level, is not included, but packs as mentioned.
I thought this would work for sure, but did not. This was tried before fixing up redirectors, but it was a completely new pack process, computer etc. so, not sure.
I was thinking that an intro vid may be calling “level 2”, but I did remove the entire level from the pack process via Porject Settings.
We have a mystery brewing and Columbo is retired, so what to do?
Ok @ClockworkOcean, I will try a few more things here. Thank you.
For anyone who may be going down the same long, dark road, fear not, @ClockworkOcean has laid down the law.
The solution, ended up being that there were “soft references”, not showing, that included refs to our problem level, described here as “Level 2”. You can’t hit what you cant see.
Below is an image of where you can “enable” this inside of the Reference Viewer. Soft references will show as “pink” lines fyi.
Thank you again for the help and information ClockworkOcean.