My name is Tommy Norris and I am a freelance game music composer available to take on new projects. I specialize in acoustic/folk instruments and orchestral scores, but can write in many different styles and genres.
I’m proficient in Wwise and FMOD and can help you create and implement an interactive and dynamic music experience for your game.
You can check out more of my work on my website: Portfolio — Tommy Norris .
I have indie friendly rates and can also provide custom demo tracks for your project if needed.
If you’d like to get in touch, DM me on here or email me through my website.
New Orchestral tune that I wrote:
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Hi there @tommynorris1,
Hope you’re doing well! 
Just wanted to hop in and say both of these projects are done so beautifully. The comparison between the music creation software and the sheet music also just blew me away. So cool to “look behind the curtain” so to speak.
Thanks for taking the time to showcase some of your art and I wish you all the luck in your job hunt! 
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Thanks so much for the kind words!
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Here is another slower fantasy piece I’ve written featuring nylon string guitar and woodwinds!
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I’ve got some projects but still have room for a few more! Here is a little compilation of some my compositions from this year.
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Here is the Combat Theme that I wrote for the game Wool at the Gates:
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And here is the main theme for Wool at the Gates: