Is it possible to use the foliage tool with paper 2D sprites?
Sad that no one’s answered this yet…
What is even more sad is that the function of paper2d has not been developed for 2 years.
lot’s of use cases, it’d be really nice to have
Hi! I’m trying to find out how to add 2D sprite foliage, did any of you manage to figure it out? (I’m completely stumped right now ahah)
Late to the conversation but I’ve figured out something that works!
1.) Create a Blueprint Actor with Your Sprite
- Right-click in the Content Browser, choose
Blueprint Class
, and selectActor
. - Import your Paper2D Sprite into this Blueprint Actor.
- Name the Blueprint something like
2.) Create a New Foliage Actor
- Right-click in the Content Browser and select
Foliage -> Actor Foliage
. - Name this new foliage actor something like
3.) Set the Actor Class in the Foliage Actor
- Open your
actor. - In the Details panel, find the
section. - Change the
Actor Class
to your previously created BP,BP_Tree
4.) Add Your Foliage Actor to the Foliage Mode
- Enter Foliage Mode.
- Click the
+ Foliage
button or drag to add yourAF_Tree
to the foliage types.
Hopefully this helps!
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