Hi everybody, I-m using the foliage tool to add a bit of grass, but the only thing it does is adding some green triangles which also dissapear when switching to path tracing.
Any ideas?
Hi everybody, I-m using the foliage tool to add a bit of grass, but the only thing it does is adding some green triangles which also dissapear when switching to path tracing.
Any ideas?
J’ai déjà eu ce problème ou alors parfois ça « disparait ». J’utilise cette solution de contournement.
01-tu exportes ta surface végétale sur un fichier verge et tu lui donne un nom (autre que celle de de ton fichier).
02-tu utilises un petit pinceau et tu poses ton herbe.
03-tu enregistres ton fichier.
04-tu ouvres ta scène principale.
05-tu fusionnes avec ton fichier « herbe » (attention, ne supprime pas les polygones sur lesquels tu as peint, tu peux les masquer).
I've had this problem before or sometimes it "disappears". I use this workaround.
01-you export your plant surface on a verge file and you give it a name (other than that of your file).
02-you use a small brush and lay your grass down.
03-you save your file.
04-you open your main scene.
05-you merge with your "grass" file (be careful, don't delete the polygons on which you painted, you can hide them).
TM version 2023.1
Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.
Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.
128 Go de mémoire Ram.
Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.
Thanks K for the idea.
Unfortunately it didn't work, furthermore my painted vegetation neither moves when I move its pivot, so I think it could be a lack of RAM, since I'm running TM with only 32Gb.
Si tu veux, dépose un fichier TM avec seulement les polygones « herbe » et je jette un œil dessus.
If you want, drop a TM file with just the "grass" polygons and I'll take a look at it.
TM version 2023.1
Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.
Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.
128 Go de mémoire Ram.
Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.
Voici ton fichier avec de l’herbe.
En théorie, tu fusionnes ce fichier avec ton fichier projet et c’est bon.
Bon courage pour la suite.
Here is your file with weed.
In theory, you merge this file with your project file and it's good.
Good luck for the future.
TM version 2023.1.2
Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.
Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.
128 Go de mémoire Ram.
Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.
lawn_Mdf-01.tm (12.0 MB)
Après une petite séance de jardinage, voici ton fichier avec de l’herbe.
En théorie, tu fusionnes ce fichier avec ton fichier projet et c’est bon.
Sinon, oui, de la Ram c’est toujours utile (^_-).
Bon courage pour la suite.
After a little gardening session, here is your file with grass.
In theory, you merge this file with your project file and that's good.
Otherwise, yes, Ram is always useful (^_-).
Good luck for the future.
TM version 2023.1.2
Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.
Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.
128 Go de mémoire Ram.
Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.
lawn_full_Mdf-01.tm (60.4 MB)
Hi K, thanks so much for that!
It took lot of time to open and even more to merge with my full scene, but it works fine!
It is an old project I did entirely with Lightwave many years ago which I'm revisiting these days with TM while building my new portfolio.
Will jump soon to new computer, this was done with an i5, 32Gb ram and 3070 Ti :/
Good luck to you too, mate!
Thank you so much! wow lawn looks amazing in real time!
I think my issue is due to lack of RAM, but only when generating, because I can see the grass in your file clearly.
Would you mind to test it in a bigger suface? So I can see if low RAM got any trouble when handling bigger amount of lawn (foliage)
*definitely I'm jumping into at least 64Gb soon...
lawn_full.tm (6.6 MB)