Foliage painting around SM

While painting foliage on the vertical mesh( in my case it is the bridge section), Foliage is placed only on one side correctly( world Y axis),Align to normal is disabled, when i enable in my plans are plased perpendicular to mesh and facing inside. When i disable Align to normal it is painting only on 1 side of the bridge corretly and on another it is paited rotating 180 facing inside.

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Is this a hanging vine? What is the orientation of the pivot on the vine model?


Yes, the pivot is wrong.

You can change it with the modelling tools in the engine, but you need to change it for all LODs.


Might be easier to just use another vine :slight_smile:

So the vine has to be oriented along the flor? I am using megascan asset.

I know, I have the exact one. That picture above, is after fixing the pivot point.

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Thak You!

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