Foliage light problem depending on the orientation of the camera


Since moving to UE5 our team is also experiencing this issue. There are parts of the map where if looking through camera in such place, there are many rendering glitches as mentioned by the @Matmoutt like the scene becoming completely dark, incorrect shapes being rendered, the foliage disappearing and the skydome shrinking. Disabling foliage actor data layer immediately fixes the view without having to even move the camera. This is happening for us on UE5 Early Access 2.

It just seems that something is breaking in the rendering pipeline if too many instances are being rendered, we’ve notices that it is also being affected by changing the light sources (e.g. the direction the camera has to face in order for the glitches to appear). It can also be easily reproduced in a fresh project on an basic level - just start placing a dense foliage in one place in a close proximity to each other and around 150k-200k the glitch should start to appear. Event the type of used mesh for the foliage seems to change to glitch behavior - e.g. when I was testing, for an ordinary static mesh, the foliage was just starting to disappear, but for the foliage that was just some grass with opacity mask on a plane, mostly strange shadows were starting to appear and the sky was disappearing as well.

Has someone else encountered this behavior? Has somebody found a solution it or has any idea how to fix these glitches? Does Epic Games staff already acknowledges this as an issue? Our team uses foliage system quite often so removing and not foliage is no option for us, and it shouldn’t be affected by such low limit of instances. Any further suggestions are welcome as well.

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