Foliage landscape layer mask not working (4.7.6)

Hey guys, I’m trying to use the landscape mask for the foliage tool, but it doesn’t seem to work for me. I want to place grass on the “GrassLayer” layer of the landscape.

Here’s my landscape setup:

My painting setup:
Note - I’ve tried using both “Grass” and “LayerGrass” as layer mask names, but neither worked for me.

The result I get now:

Is my setup faulty or am I simply doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance.

Go in the layer painter, select the grass layer and paint over the road while holding down the shift button. It will erase the grass that is below the road.

A better way to do this would be to use the newGrass Tools as you can confine them to cerian layers on the Landscape.

Mmm… You got me on the right track. Thanks for helping me investigate this further, explanation is below.

I can’t upgrade now, or else I’d use the new functions for sure. They look sweet!

In any case, it seems something was just bugged with the existing tiles, so I had to redo my whole terrain… I guess it had some data somewhere that I couldn’t remove. Recreating layers didn’t work either.Ah well, it works now, I suppose.