Hi everybody, I have a problem with foliage in 4.27. I have a map about 4x4 kms and I’m using foliage, but sometimes i notice that there are squares where the foliage has been deleted and I have to place it again. Does someone plase know what could cause this issue?
Foliage or Grass?
In both cases, the engine is probably not loading the section because of something - like not having enough memory or similar.
Foliage should be limited to a maximum distance of say 500m from the camera.
Possible exception to that being the trees, which have to drop down to a billboard after that.
Otherwise, no computer on earth could currently render everything in a 4km radius.
We are talking Billions of drawcalls, even with the best possible aggregation setups…
Also, rendering one of those meshes while it’s 2km from the camera, seems rather useless doesn’t it?
Of course I set a cull distance for every foliage type, the meshes are not rendered at distance. Moreover the grass meshes are made by me and are very low poly for optimization.
The problem here is that some squares of foliage are deleted with no reasons in the editor here and there and I’d like to understand why.
Are you saying that you had an actor in the world browser, and now the actor is not there? Or just that an obviously square area, ends up not rendering foliage?
I have run into problems where the foliage instancing ends up being sometimes not rendered in some square. Sometimes it starts rendering again if I move a bit. My guess is it’s for a reason similar to what MostHost suggests – some streaming or memory limitation not allowing it to page in. That is, the engine still knows that you want to render it, it just doesn’t.
Tracking down what particular limitation you’re running into, and then tracking up which particular variable you’re supposed to tweak to improve things, isn’t always straightforward and simple, though. There’s no “MOAR STUFF” slider that just scales everything …
Off the top of my head, this is common when you incorrectly paint foliage outside of the level you are supposed to within world composition…
I usually paint foliage by accessing individual levels, if that’s your case, I suggest the same treatment.
Load the level, Set the viewport to unlit so you can see, and place the foliage.
Once done and saved, load the persistent and the level(s). You should see the foliage pop up and stream appropriately.
Load the level, Set the viewport to unlit so you can see, and place the foliage.
Once done and saved, load the persistent and the level(s). You should see the foliage pop up and stream appropriately.
I’m placing all the foliage on the Persistent Level because I thought that it automatically attaches it to the sublevel because I noticed that when I hide a sublevel also the foliage on it is hidden, but maybe I’m wrong…
I’ll try to do that way and see if it happens again.