Foliage density relative to brush size in 5.1

The number of mesh instances generated by the foliage brush appears to remain constant regardless of the size of the brush. If I’ve got the density set such that I get 20 instances inside a medium-size brush’s half sphere, after increasing the size of the brush, I still only get 20 sparsely spaced meshes. If I shrink the brush way down, it crams 20 inside the very small area.

So, it seems the density is a function of both the Density settings and the brush size. I expected the Density settings to control the number of instances within a certain area of landscape regardless of the size of the brush used to paint them there.

Is there a way to maintain the density relative to landscape area regardless of brush size?

Yes. Look into the settings for each foliage type, and define what proximity other objects can have near them.

A good but different cheat to this is also to have a large collision box in the models, then delete off the collision after you are happy with the painting/procedural generation, whatever else.
The positions will “stick” until you recalculate or remove the foliage…

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Thank you for your help.