[Foliage Bug] Crash on editor close

I painted foliage on level from World Composition so it is LandscapeProxy. When I close editor I always see below error:

Can you post the following information:

Build version: The version number of
the Unreal Engine which you are
currently experiencing the issue on.
For example: 4.0.1 - 2027741 (This is
found in the editor under Help > About
Unreal Editor)

Write a detailed description of the
issue you are experiencing here.
Please remember to include all
potentially relevant information, such
as whether you have confirmed that the
issue is occurring with default
settings, or if it is only with your
custom project.

We encourage you to include
screenshots or link to videos whenever
they may prove helpful in
understanding the issue.
Repro Steps

Action 1 (example: Open an Actor
Blueprint) Action 2 (example: Add an
‘Event Begin Play’ node to the
EventGraph) Action 3 (example: Connect
the above to a ‘Print String’ node)
Etc. Let us know, does the issue occur
100% of the time for you with these
steps? Or does it happen less


If your bug is easily
reproduced with a specific content
asset, then we welcome you to upload a
simple test FBX or .uasset which we
can test with.

If you are experiencing a crash, then
please provide us with the .LOG and
.DMP files from your
[project]\Saved\Logs folder.
Additionally, you can please send us
the CrashReportClient.log file located
in C:\Program Files\Unreal

On a Mac, the logs are located in:
Engine/(project name)Editor/ The
Library Folder is hidden by default.
The easiest way to get to it is by
having finder the active application
and while holding Option Click Go in
the Mac Menu Bar. This will expose

The information above will help. Is this only happening in your current project or can you reproduce in a new project? If you can reproduce in a new project please be as detailed as possible with the steps listed like above.

