Folders to Organize Foliage

I am using the foliage system extensively for rocks, grass, trees, plants ect. and It would be great to be able to have folders in the foliage system to help stay organized… Maybe have tick boxes on the folder that select all members of that folder so you can do mass editing.


Yes and yes!

Make sure to post all suggestions for the foliage tool into this thread: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?22908-improvements-for-foliage-mode&highlight=foliage+tool (the op already suggested folders :))
Then we have everything at one place :slight_smile:

+1 for folders

+1 totally agree we need this

Agree. That would help. But I would recommend to make Different foliage actors instead. Like Landscape… There is Manage cat, where you can add or remove landscape. It would be great, if foliage also has this.