Folders for the project browser

I’ve looked around the forum a bit with search but I can’t find anything on it. It’s just a simple request on the Unreal Project Browser where we choose a project to open aka the window where you pick a project when you start the program can we have the ability to put projects into folders, so if a project has multiple sub-projects they would be able to be placed in a single custom named folder.

I just think it would be better if we can organise multiple projects into folders.

I had though about this several times over the past years and never once thought of putting into a feature request, i second this. Grouping similar projects would be nice.

Definitely supporting this. As I teach UEFN and have multiple projects for individual lessons, as well as my ‘internal’ working projects to test curriculum concepts…AND…this repeats annually, I’m accumulating a large amount of projects in “My Projects.” Using strict project-naming conventions can help, by using filtering in the browser, but this isn’t always feasible in a classroom setting. One work-around one could consider is to use teams to organize content like this, but that would limit access in awkward ways across teams’ projects, especially, for example, if I were to want to move back and forth smoothly between projects in an “internal_working” team and an active “lecture_demos” team.