When ever I delete or move a folder all the other folders in the Content Browser disappear, leaving all the files behind in the Game folder. All the folders comeback when ever I exit the Editor and reopen it. I am using the newest version of UE, my launcher says 4.4.1 but I read that it is technically 4.4.
Hey, LegoNinja. If your launcher says 4.4.1 then you’re at the correct 4.4.1 revision, not the mistaken preview.
I’m not able to reproduce this error on my end. Could you try Verifying the engine install in your launcher?
I verified the engine and that all went fine. I am using a Mac which my be why you can’t reproduce this bug. I did find that if you click on the Show Sources Panel button (directly to the left of the Filter drop down) then click on the Game folder there all the folders reappear.
I’ll contact our Mac specialist and we’ll see if he can reproduce the issue. He’ll be in tomorrow. Until then, you’ll have to use your workaround.
Hey, LegoNinja39.
Are you still having this issue? I believe it may have been solved by engine updates since then.
Hi LegoNinja39,
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you.