Fog bugs at big sizes under 500m

At fall to 500 to 1000m or more from the origin of the world the fog start to make rare things like this: (Note you need a big landscape, this one is about 8x8km)

This bug is related with the fog settings in the Atmospheric Fog actor, is using the default actor from the map in the Landscape demo from Epic Games version 4.12.

Note the landscape I’m using is different and is about 8x8km and 2-4km in vertical and the middle is in the center 0,0,0

The problem is noticed at -500m or more.

First of All use the Learn Tab → Landscape Mountains make sure you’r using the both in the version 4.12.x(5)

Second open the map and make a clone and save with the name you want, now in that map remove the landscape, and set all lights to total dynamic.(Directional and Skylight)

Now in the directional settings set the max of dynamic cascade shadows and max activate and set too the max of far cascade shadows.

Don’t change nothing more and save.

Now create or add new landscale with this heightmap don’t apply texture just the heightmap, and create the landscape make sure you center it more or less to the world origin (0,0,0). Make sure the landscape is about 8x8km in sides scale in the settings panel to fit more or less.

Until here this setup apply to my 2 reports, but now is different.

Now go down in the map and at the -500m you will see how the bug spawn.

Hey Tim, I went ahead and reopened this question, because it’s different from the one you posted.

I told Hevedy to explain the problem on both questions more precise as well as adding repro steps.


@eXi no problem. I was in the process of writing up a response on the other post and going to request the additional info here as well.

To proceed I’ll need the following information:

  • Your Directional and skylight settings
  • Any fog settings adjusted (Exponential and Atmospheric)
  • Any additional details that are needed to look into this

Without this basic information, I cannot proceed.

First of All use the Learn Tab → Landscape Mountains make sure you’r using the both in the version 4.12.x(5)

Second open the map and make a clone and save with the name you want, now in that map remove the landscape, and set all lights to total dynamic.(Directional and Skylight)

Now in the directional settings set the max of dynamic cascade shadows and max activate and set too the max of far cascade shadows.

Don’t change nothing more and save.

Now create or add new landscale with this heightmap don’t apply texture just the heightmap, and create the landscape make sure you center it more or less to the world origin (0,0,0). Make sure the landscape is about 8x8km in sides scale in the settings panel to fit more or less.

Until here this setup apply to my 2 reports, but now is different.

Now go down in the map and at the -500m you will see how the bug spawn.

Hi Hevedy,

As I previously mentioned this is not a bug. Just settings that need to be set in the Atmospheric Fog.

With the Landscape Mountains, these settings are setup in a very specific way to tweak the look of the level. They have been manipulated within their given functions.

The documentation here is a good resource to start with:

Specifically the settings in the Landscape Mountains that can be adjusted to alleviate the issue is:

  • Sun Multiplier
  • Distance Scale
  • Altitude Scale

Altitude Scale specifically controls the Z scaling for the falloff of fog in the distance. This means that below a certain point the fog is going to be much thicker.

You should take some time and get to know these settings here in the level and just try adjusting the value of different settings to see what they do can give you some interesting results to better understand what it is that they do.


Even if you edit that the bug come back at some sizes and like in my screenshot a second fog appear.

Need some good config but the good config need to be changed each time cause the z level
I can work for now, but for bigger maps don’t work, you guys should check this.