every now and then there have been releases that had a focus on stabilty. Even though I am a firm believer that stability of the Editor should be the focus of every single release, there are some certain stablity issues that have been arround now pretty much since UE4 has been released. The issue I am talking about appears regularily to me, when I rename, move or delete assets, either in the editor or in my scenes. Here are some problems I regularly encounter:
Deleting an assets and recreating an asset with the same name will not work
Renaming of assets wont allow chaning from upper case to lower case and vice versa
Moving assets arround in the folder hirarchy of the project will regularly crash the editor. I even encounteres issues that wouldnt allow me to open the editor. The editor would just crash on launch again. The only hope you have here is using version control and rolling back all your changes, wich will result in a big loss of time.
I am a rapid prototyper. I move and delete assets all the time. I lost count of the hours of time I lost because of editor crashes. There are some workarround that sometimes work, like fix up redirectors. The behaviour of the editor however is not very intuitive and very very unstable and thus frustrating.
When moving assets they will get loaded into memory. If you run out of memory this way you will crash. Which just means: don’t move tons of things at once. None of the issues you mentioned are really stability issues, the latest versions have been really stable for me.
So you think it is intuitive for new users that the editor wont allow you to delete a BP and create a new one at the same spot with the same name? Or it is intuitive that I have to run a command hidden in some context menus just to be able to do normal stuff like moving a file in the project? Or it is intuitive that deleting a BP crashes your editor and won’t allow the editor to startup afterwards?
I deleted a single BP and it made it crash. Afterwards I wasn’t able to open the project because it would just crash again while starting. I have 32GB of memory and the project I was in was very small. Crashes are stability issues.
Yes, it’s the mysterious crash. But if you want if fixed, I think it would much better if you’d post individual issue report on Answer Hub with stable repro and callstack. It’s not like that everyone here has so many crashes as you. Describing it so briefly it’s not enough for programmer to track and fix the issue.
Also crash report will simply vanish if posted in “feature request” topic.
Yep, that’s annoying. Although it’s quite rare to perform such operation.
I’m not sure, but maybe we got better chance of fixing this if we’d post it as bug report? Because it just sounds like low priority issue for most of the users.
“Fix up redirectors” command isn’t hidden or buried somewhere, it’s straight in context menu of every folder, right?
I agree, it could be difficult to discover this option. Have no idea how this could be improved… Maybe information about redirectors should be added to some of those “Welcome to Unreal” docs. What do you think?
I’m not sure if word “intuitive” is the most important here. It’s the safe and convenient way to work in team when your engine doesn’t use .meta files like Unity. Assets directly references other assets.
In this situation editor doesn’t automatically fixes references to renamed file because it could be referenced by tens or hundreds others assets. And part of these files can be locked by many people so you can’t fix the reference. Or maybe you simply don’t want to modify hundreds of files and send it to server because of single redirector?
Of course it feels annoying if you work alone on game or given part of game, I understand that
As bonus, it’s very easy track references between files in Unreal or any other engine using hard references. It’s very important in complex projects. And that’s could be very difficult in Unity, probably because of it .meta filesystem.
In that case you should use the crash reporter to send a few reports of the crashes when opening the project. It should then hopefully get fixed in a 4.17 hotfix.
There were hundreds of fixes in 4.17 and at least 2 . releases coming as well… So, I think they are trying to fix. As for 5 to 10 crashes a day, something is not right here… I never had anywhere close to this level of bad luck!
Well, this is my normal experience with UE4. And not only recently, pretty much all the way back since it is released. The moment you delete something you weren’t supposed to, it dies.
Another example: I just deleted a child widget in my UMG widget. The widget supposedly was referenced in some blueprint. It instantly crashed the editor. Using Ctr+Z often will result in crashes aswell.
I once had that happen to me. A dozen crashes and bluescreens per day.
However you are correct. Something was not right there.
The culprit was my CPU heatsink. For all other applications it managed to stay within thermal limits, but as soon as shader compiling or lightmap building kicked in, I saw my CPU temps rising from the 55 Celsius of normal usage up to over 90 until the CPU shut down.
Getting a better heatsink and fan (replacing the whimsy Intel reference model) solved everything immediately
5-10 a day? I haven’t had that much this entire year. That looks to me more like a system stability issue. Anyway you could try unhooking things before deleting them, or using the replace references thing instead of force delete.
Had similar issue.
Popped on a big-*** Coolermaster something-or-other on there, problem solved.
Also check your RAM.
I had an annoying issue there in that one stick of 4 had a bad address or what ever you call it.
If I was doing some heavy C++ compiling or lots in the editor, crash