Focus on a widget

Hi All

Is there a way to set a focus to an UI element ?
Actually, i have that when i open a menu trought game using =>

But i Can’t navigate with the controller =>

If i click on a button with the mouse THEN, I can navigate with a controller =>
do you know how I can fix this?

Reference the button or so as a variable and Set Keyboard Focus, will give gamepad focus etc.

If that doesn’t work, be sure to check that you’ve the input mode correctly so that the UI gets input

Hope this helps.

Also make sure that the UI element is focusable! This is especially important because the behaviour changed from 4.10 to 4.11. Just toggle IsFocusable to true on all widgets that can receive focus, otherwise SetKeyboardFocus doesn’t work.

Hi, sorry for the late reply,

so i open my widget using :
and in my widget code i have
I set it to isFocusable but the button isn’t focus.