Hi folks,
So my question is, how can I focus the players camera in onto a computer screen to enable them to interact? (I have got ingame screen interaction working.)
An example of what I mean can be seen here, in SOMA. Example
Thanks in advance folks.
(I dont mind suggestions in either BluePrints or C++, however suggestions in blueprints might be userful for others looking on the forums. )
For something like that you would first use a 3D Widget on your Computer (Widget Component) line it up and scale it to fit, while at it alse setup a Camera there pointing directly on the Widget. Linetrace towards your (Charcters) Camera forward Vector and check if its your Computer Terminal you hit. If it is Call “Set View target with Blend” to the Computers Camera. This will smoothly transition to the other Camera.
Next thing you need todo is to change your Controlls a bit. Basicly disabling your FPS movement mechanics and turn on mouse Movement mechanics to interact with your UI without moving around or shooting at it
this part is up to to you.
And last thing is is the same process but in reverse enable FPS movement “Set View target with Blend” back to your Character.
Edit: I roughed this out you will have to Set Game Mode to UI only and Show Mouse Cursor and various other little things. Just so you be aware of that but there are plannty of guides out there that Cover all that Stuff.
Oh wow, I will try it out… there was me using a timeline etc… xD Thanks… I will get back once I have got it working (or not)