Fnaf - If i turn on the light, want to make Enemy respond

Hello I am making Five nights at Freddy’s 2.

I want to Enemy respond when i turn on the light.

I made a button(blueprint), Spot Light (not BP) and Enemy(blueprint).

  1. If i pressed the button then the light will turn on.

  2. if light shines the Enemy (or should i say light hit the Enemy?)
    anyway, then i want Enemy stop his movement.

but how can i get the enemy let them know that flash light is shining on themselves?

The light is not a blueprint, so i used direct connection to give “light reference” to Enemy_BP,
but i don’t know the next step…

Hello and thank you for posting.

FNAF is such an iconic awesome game. I managed to find a relatively short method of accomplishing you goals for the short term. As stated by bumbumgoesnuts, they opted to use a cone mesh that detects overlap events.

Another related subject are Environment Queries. Though it is a lot more in-depth in AI, it is great reading material for starting performant AI in the future.

I hope the provided information assists you in your development.

Thanks a lot ~
I used cone mesh to solve this problem!
Later i will read “Environment Querises” too.
Thank you!