FMod Ensure condition fails in viewport

I was wondering if anyone ever randomly got a similar error before:
“FMath::FMod(X=117923561472.000000, Y=0.000000) : Y is zero, this is invalid and would result in NaN!”
when moving through the world?
I got this both when just moving in the viewport in the editor, as well as with PIE.
I know the X value seems huge (I’m working on a realistic universe scale) but I’m pretty positive this shouldn’t cause the error because it’s still far away from an overflow (Y was similar to X in this situation).
For the record: I did not call this Fmod function, the editor/engine did and therefore it’s kinda hard to backtrack where this is coming from…

If i just ignore it and continue in visual studio I get back into the editor without problems and can still move around even past the previous position (which underlines that this should not be caused by the camera position getting to far).

How should I go about fixing it?
Am I right to assume that these ensure conditions would still throw an error and cause a crash when I build the final executable or do they get ignored when building? (I think I remember that java does something like this with asserts?).

I know this question is pretty specific but if anyone has any input on this, I’d be glad for the help.
Kind regards