I am having an odd issue. I have used a similar blueprint to control an AI turret mounted on a fighter jet. I changed it a little to allow player input. It does nothing and I really don’t know what to do. I will be attaching screenshots of the blueprints. With this setup, it was always aiming at the spawn point.
This made the Turret spin like crazy. Not sure if it helps but I am adding a screen shot of where the turret is located. Looking at it like this makes me want to smooth the turret out a bit.
Such a Noob. I forgot to hook in delta. Gotta scale down the speed and the controls appear to be reversed. Gotta fix that and I’ll let y’all know something. This may help someone else because it was a pain in the butt.
This did something. It is acting all funny though. I want it to target a point in front of me. The Turret speed is 0.5f. I think it needs to go down more. I may even reverse the aim up control. It just feels weird aiming this turret down to fire up.
I’m going back to another project in hopes that someone will be able to figure this out. I have been able to attach a functional turret as a child object that will act as an AI but it has collision issues. I’ve been working on this issue for like 12 hours now. If anyone has any information, I’d be glad to hear it. I’ve looked at other projects and examples but they all seem to point to skeletal meshes and animation. I could do that but I know there has to be another option.
Just in case anyone finds this useful. I was overcomplicating things quite a lot. I will probably need to revise this a bit to limit the rotation of the turret but this feels a lot like what I was looking for. I just need to keep it from firing into the air craft but this step is at least finished. I really hope someone can use it. I highlighted the TurretControlSpeed to show the value I went with. If anyone has any input on how to place a cursor on screen I’d be glad to hear it.