Flying Pawn Movement deceleration ease to stop?

I’m using the floating pawn movement component to move an actor in 3D space, NOT using a navmesh as I need free Z (flying) movement.

I’m currently just using Add Input Vector, but I can’t get any deceleration/ease to stop working. (deceleration settings on component don’t seem to have any effect). Any tips on how to accomplish this?

Try using the regular CharacterMovementComponent, but set its locomotion mode to Flying.
You can use an empty skinned mesh for the display to avoid rendering anything.

Thanks! So I set it up with the character class as base (in flying mode) - but am a bit confused as to how best to use the CMC to apply braking? Likely I wasn’t clear enough with my method of applying input. This was my setup:

Also, I did realize after doing this a method to apply braking that appears to work with the Floating Pawn as well as CMC (I added what is circled in red: vector multiplied to lessen it as the actor nears the goal).

I imagine you were recommending another method?