Flying building Diorama Creation - Week 1

Hi, this will be my process for the creation of an asset/environment based on a concept from 3 LY Studio. A village on the end of a cliff but based on one of the design sheets, I will make them as floating islands to be able to separate them from the rest of the scene.

This is the concept.

And this is the blocking I started with and some documentation for realistic refference.

I also started blocking out in Unreal for real life scale.

And started modelling in Maya a specific dragon-shaped asset from the rooftop of the main house.

That is all for now, I´ll be updating the next week. Let´s see how this ends!

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Update Week 2 - UVs and Modular System

I have done the uvs for the asset and the texturing on Substance Painter. Following viking ornaments as refference.

And also created a modular system to assemble the buildings. Mostly made of 3 materials: Wall, Wood and Roof.

Next will be the texturing of the modular system and start building with it.

Update Week 3 - Assets and Textures

I did some important assets and finished the main building by modules. Also assigned some materials to the objects even if they are blockings and don’t have UVs just to start seeing what the result might be.

Here are also the Uvs for the assets and the general view of all.

Update week 4/5 - Geometry and Sequences

Hello, for the past two weeks I´ve been doing the last assets left of the diorama and rendered some cameras to show some simple animations. Also started with some vertex painting, but due to some issues I will be doing them next week.

Some of the assets I did for the past two weeks


This is the final update for this project. What I did was basically due to time issues I had to cut part of the scene to be able to render all at the maximum level I could.
I took out the secondary isles and focused on the main one, putting more assets. Vegetation and decals.
Placed a different texture for the ground so it seems more “walkable”
I also fixed the UVs because some maps were displaying weirdly so I had to tile them one by one on Maya.

I also managed to import some asset from sibraries such as the palm trees and the boxes to fill even more the scene.
The only thing I left out was the little kites on the tail of the roof, because they would be animated apart.
And this is all for now.