Fluid complex freerun animation system?

Hi everyone. I wish you all a happy new year, tho late, and hope you had a fun holiday vacation. I am using as always the shooter game example and i got quite far with a third person game. I have one big question and a small question.

Are there any other splines other than landscape. I ve been looking and i cant find it. Can i possibly use the landscape spline for ledge climbing and other systems like that?

Secondly, i want to make a fluid parkour system in my game like assassins creed but a bit more to my style where you have to unlock certain skill for each move. But say if im running down a beam and i hold d and press jump but there is already a ledge how do i make the animation smooth and make the character jump the right distance smoothly. Right now my idea is that when i hold left it will perform the right animation but how do i make it jump the right distance and how do i blend the animations? Btw i am using this chunk of code with blueprints cuz i find easier to reference animations. Another thing is how do i set up like in code a switch between cases, and if this case the blendspace for the character will follow this set of animations? Next if im climbing along a ledge sideways do i set up the accelerarion to be sideways within the blendspace, the blueprint, or the character movement? Finally, if there are two objects the trace hits, as its a capsule trace so traces a volume, how do i set the player to choose the nearest one? Can anyone give me a quick overview and available functions in blueprints and blendspace that will help me?

Yipes, break up that unreadable paragraph into something answerable!

Your biggest problem is that you’re asking a very broad question and perhaps haven’t broken it down adequately to solve your problems. There is no magic answer as to ‘how to make a fluid complex freerun animation system’, it all depends on approach and there are many valid approaches.

  1. The only splines presently available are landscape splines. Spline actors and spline lofts are annoyingly absent - spline actors were removed several months ago and quite frustratingly haven’t made it back. Feature Request: Bring back Spline Actors already, they should never have been removed before a replacement was ready!

  2. A spline is just a spline; it’s a potentially curved line in space. It’s up to you to work out what that means and how you want to use it. I could see splines potentially being used to define edges, but this may or may not be an approach that is suitable for you.

  3. Jumping onto a beam should not be difficult. Break your process down into stages and solve them individually. First you need to solve the issue of jumping the correct distance - this is probably a purely gameplay code and math problem. Once you have this, you know that you need to implement animation. I would assume you want an initial jumping animation, an animation for grabbing the ledge when you arrive, and something of variable length to transition between the two across the length of the jump. Break your whole problems down into smaller, manageable problems, work on each individually and build them up into a system that completes the whole.

  4. Animation blending is much like UE3, you should take a look at animation blueprints, which are similar to AnimTrees. You can pass states and whatever else as variables from the character blueprint to the animation blueprint.

  5. I would handle all actual movement code inside the character, with some exceptions (for example a ‘pulling up to a ledge’ animation may use root motion instead of movement code and tweaked animation).

  6. Finding the closest object is basic vector math. Determine the magnitude of the vectors between locations and pick the smallest.

Thank you. Sorry for my broad question but I was on the go with my tablet and it clearly is not meant for typing. For number 2 though, why would it not be suitable for me. Initially I thought volumes but I remembered watching tutorials on using splines in UE3. Why would it not be suitable though?
Also maybe should I make my own class inheriting all the properties of the lanscape spline I need and delete the rest?

Hi Guys, sorry for answering very late, but since you’re talking about Parkour systems i have made one a few weeks back,and it could go for sale very soon:
Link to video Demo:

So stay tuned and subscribe to The youtube channel.